Monday, June 13, 2011

Peanunt Butter Cookie

This cookie is usually made during chinese new year. But i made it yesterday just to fullfill my stomach. Instead of crushing the peanut on my own, i used peanut butter. It tasted just as great!


1 bottle peanut butter
3 cups all purpose flour
3/4 cup powder sugar (adjust depends on the sweetness that you wish)
1 egg


Combine peanut butter, all purpose flour and sugar, mix well. Then slowly add in oil until you can form a smooth dough.

Then take a small portion of the dough and form a ball. Put onto a baking pan that lined with aluminium foil. Repeat until all dough has finished. Use your thumb to press the center of each ball so that it forms some shape or you can create any shape that you wish. Brush with an egg.

Preheat the oven to 350 F. Bake until golden brown.

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