Thursday, April 21, 2011

Asam Laksa

Asam laksa is always my favourite noodle dish. Unfortunately, i hardly can eat the same taste asam laksa here compare with my hometown. My mom's asam laksa tastes real good too.

I tried to make asam laksa here without all the ingredients. Oh well, what can you expect, right?!

Make approximately 4-5 servings

"Lai fen" noodle
2-3 medium size fish (any fish but with bone)
10-15 dried chillies
3-4 peels of garlic
2-3 small onions
2 stalks of lemon grass
1 ping pong ball size of dry tamarine (reconstituite with water)
Laksa leave
salt to taste

Boiled egg (optional)
Sweet onion
Mint (optional)


In a big pot, boil the fish. When the fishs is well cooked, take them out and remove the bone. Crush the fish meat and set aside. Save the water that used to boil the fish for later use. You can add one can of the sardine to the fish as well.

Blend the dry chillies, garlic and onion. Set aside.

In the same pot that boil the fish ( the water is still in the pot, it is going to use to make fish stock/ soup for this dish), put in lemon grass stalk, laksa leave and the blended chilli. Bring to boil, then reduce the heat. Let the soup simmer until you can smell the aroma coming out from the soup. After that, put in the reconstitute tamarind juice and salt. Stir well and put in the crushed fish meat. Let cook for another half an hour in medium heat or until the soup tastes good. If you have the "asam keping" and "bunga kantan", it would be great to add into the soup. It will make the soup taste even better and original.

Meanwhile, boil the noodle until well done. Drain the water and set aside.

You can prepare the garnishing ingredients now. Slide the pineapple, cucumber and sweet onion for later use. Wash the mint and set aside. Egg is optional. You can boil the egg and cut into few pieces if you would like to.

When everything is done, put the noodle into a bowl. Arrange the garnishing ingredients on top of the noodle. Pour the soup over the noodle. You can add some chilli padi or prawn paste (har ko) to the noodle before serving.

Now you can sit and enjoy the tasty asam laksa. I prefer more fish meat, so i always put more fish into the soup.

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